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瑜伽英语入门指南 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787220128820
  • 条形码:9787220128820 ; 978-7-220-12882-0
  • 装帧:一般轻型纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

瑜伽英语入门指南 本书特色


瑜伽英语入门指南 内容简介


瑜伽英语入门指南 目录

Chapter One Yoga and You /1 1.1 About Yoga/2 1.1.1 Definition and Objectives /2 1.1.2 Major Schools of Yoga /4 1.1.3 Yoga and Health /8 1.2 Knowing Your Body/10 1.2.1 Body Parts/12 1.2.2 Muscles and Skeleton /20 1.2.3 Internal Organs and Systems /26 1.2.4 Common Diseases /30 Chapter Two Yogasanas /39 2.1 Standing Poses/40 2.1.1 Tadāsana/Mountain pose /40 2.1.2 Utkatasana /Chair pose /50 2.1.3 Utthita Trikonasana/Extended Triangle pose /54 2.1.4 Vrksasana /Tree pose /62 2.1.5 VTrabhadrasana I/Warrior pose I /66 2.1.6 Garudasana /Eagle pose /72 2.2 Sitting Poses /78 2.2.1 Dandasana /Staff pose /78 2.2.2 Jānu Sirsāsana/Head-to-knee pose /82 2.2.3 Paschimottānasana/Seated Forward Bend pose /88 2.2.4 Gomukhasana/Cow-face pose /94 2.2.5 Baddha Konasana/Bound Angle pose /98 2.2.6 Upavistha Konasana/Seated Angle pose /104 2.3 Prone Poses/108 2.3.1 Makarasana/Crocodile pose/108 2.3.2 Astānga Namaskara/Eight-limbed Salutation pose /112 2.3.3 Bhujangāsana/Cobra pose /114 2.3.4 Salabhasana /Locust pose /120 2.3.5 Dhanurasana/Bow pose /124 2.3.6 Mandukasana/Frog pose /128 2.4 Supine Poses/134 2.4.1 Viparita Karani/Legs-up-the-wall pose /134 2.4.2 Ananda Balasana /Happy Baby pose /138 2.4.3 Pāvānamuktāsana/Wind-relieving pose /142 2.4.4 Halasana /Plow pose /146 2.4.5 Supta Virasana /Reclining Hero pose /150 2.4.6 Savasana/Corpse pose /154 2.5 Other Frequently-seen Yoga Poses /160 2.5.1 Marjariasana/Cat Stretch pose /160 2.5.2 Adho Mukha Svãnasana /Downward-facing Dog pose/164 2.5.3 Ardha Matsyendrasana/Half Lord-of-the-fish pose/168 2.5.4 Paripūrna Nāvāsana /Complete Boat pose /174 2.5.5 Setubandhasana /Bridge pose /178 2.5.6 Ustrasana /Camel pose /182 2.6 Sūrya Namaskāra /Sun Salutation /186 Chapter Three Yoga Nidra/211 3.1 Definition and Importance /212 3.2 Hints and Cautions /214 3.3 Yoga Nidra:A Sample /216 Chapter Four Prãnayãma /235 4.1 Definition and Importance /236 4.2 Hints and Cautions /238 4.3 Abdominal Breathing /240 4.4 Nādī Sodhana Prānayāma/244 Chapter Five Yoga Dhyãna /251 5.1 Definition and Importance /252 5.2 Hints and Cautions/254 5.3 Guided Meditation:A Sample/256 Chapter Six Communication Before and After Class /263 6.1 Communication Before Class/264 6.1.1 Greeting new customers /264 6.1.2 Catering for customers'needs /264 6.1.3 Yoga courses /266 6.1.4 Membership cards /268 6.1.5 Yoga props/268 6.1.6 Preparation before class /270 6.2 Communication After Class /272 6.2.1 Asking for customers'feedback /272 6.2.2 Offering suggestions /274 6.2.3 After-class services /276 6.2.4 Saying goodbye to customers /276 Appendix/279 Appendix 1:Note /280 Appendix 2:Simplified Pronunciation of Sanskrit Words /290 Appendix 3:List of Yogaasana Names /294 Appendix 4:List of Sanskrit Terms /297 Bibliography /299 **章 瑜伽与你/1 1.1 关于瑜伽/3 1.1.1 定义及目标/3 1.1.2 瑜伽的主要流派/5 1.1.3 瑜伽与健康/9 1.2 了解你的身体/11 1.2.1 身体部位/13 1.2.2 肌肉与骨骼/21 1.2.3 内脏器官和系统/27 1.2.4 常见疾病/31 第二章 瑜伽体式/39 2.1 站立体式/41 2.1.1 山式/41 2.1.2 幻椅式/51 2.1.3 三角伸展式/55 2.1.4 树式/63 2.1.5 战士一式/67 2.1.6 鹰式/73 2.2 坐立体式/79 2.2.1 手杖式/79 2.2.2 单腿头碰膝式/83 2.2.3 坐立前屈式/89 2.2.4 牛面式/95 2.2.5 束角式/99 2.2.6 坐角式/105 2.3 俯卧体式/109 2.3.1 鳄鱼式/109 2.3.2 八体投地式/113 2.3.3 眼镜蛇式/115 2.3.4 蝗虫式/121 2.3.5 弓式/125 2.3.6 青蛙式/129 2.4 仰卧体式/135 2.4.1 靠墙倒剪式/135 2.4.2 快乐婴儿式/139 2.4.3 排气式/143 2.4.4 犁式/147 2.4.5 仰卧英雄式/151 2.4.6 挺尸式/155 2.5 其他常见瑜伽体式/161 2.5.1 猫伸展式/161 2.5.2 下犬式/165 2.5.3 半鱼王式/169 2.5.4 完全船式/175 2.5.5 桥式/179 2.5.6 骆驼式/183 2.6 瑜伽拜日式/187 第三章 瑜伽休息术/211 3.1 定义及重要性/213 3.2 提示与注意/215 3.3 瑜伽休息术示例/217 第四章 瑜伽调息法/235 4.1 定义及重要性/237 4.2 提示与注意/239 4.3 腹式呼吸/241 4.4 经络清理调息法/245 第五章 瑜伽冥想/251 5.1 定义及重要性/253 5.2 提示与注意/255 5.3 引导冥想示例/257 第六章 课前及课后交流/263 6.1 课前交流/265 6.1.1 欢迎新顾客/265 6.1.2 满足顾客需求/265 6.1.3 瑜伽课程/267 6.1.4 会员卡/269 6.1.5 瑜伽辅具/269 6.1.6 课前准备/271 6.2 课后交流/273 6.2.1 询问顾客反馈/273 6.2.2 给出建议/275 6.2.3 课后服务/277 6.2.4 与顾客道别/277 附录/279 附录1:注释/280 附录2:梵文词汇简化读音/290 附录3:瑜伽体式名称索引表/294 附录4:梵文词汇表/297 参考书目/299

瑜伽英语入门指南 作者简介

徐娜娜(Nandini)毕业于南开大学英语系,现为高校英语系教师。2013年起规律性练习瑜伽;2015—2016年师从辛格(N.K. Singh)和普雷姆(Prem)学习古典瑜伽;2017—2018年于美国访学期间先后在萨奇达南达(Satchidananda)静修学院及艾萨(Isha)瑜伽中心学习;2018年、2019年两次前往尼泊尔跟随什里·克里希那·夏希(Shree Krishna Shahi)学习颂钵疗愈。2020年出版*立译著《体式神话:瑜伽传统故事精粹》。
