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新版剑桥商务英语(中级):练习册 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787100195577
  • 条形码:9787100195577 ; 978-7-100-19557-7
  • 装帧:80g胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

新版剑桥商务英语(中级):练习册 本书特色

适读人群 :商务英语中级应试者,财经类大学本科高年级、研究生一年级和MBA商务英语学习者。“新版剑桥商务英语系列”是剑桥大学出版社开发的一套商务英语教材,也是剑桥大学英语考评部推荐的BEC考试用书。该系列分为初、中、高三个级别,包括《新版剑桥商务英语(初级):学生用书》《新版剑桥商务英语(初级):教师用书》《新版剑桥商务英语(初级):练习册》;《新版剑桥商务英语(中级):学生用书》《新版剑桥商务英语(中级):教师用书》《新版剑桥商务英语(中级):练习册》;《新版剑桥商务英语(高级):学生用书》和《新版剑桥商务英语(高级):教师用书》。其内容贴近商务环境,实践性强。其中的《学生用书》邀请了国内知名的商务英语教学专家添加了中文注释,解释了文中的重点和难点,旨在帮助学生更好地理解和学习商务英语。

新版剑桥商务英语(中级):练习册 内容简介

  The Personal Study Book provides you with practice material to do on your own. It focuses on pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar and usage as well as giving you interesting authentic texts on business to read and listen to.  The Audio QR Code gives you the pronunciation practice and listening comprehension material.  There is an answer key and transcripts at the back of this book.

新版剑桥商务英语(中级):练习册 目录

1–5 PERSON TO PERSON 5 1 Interviews 2 Meeting people 3 Offers, requests and permission 4 Checking information 5 Present tenses 6 Opposites 7 Reading: The perfect boss? 8 Modal verbs 9 What do you say? 10 Vocabulary review 6–10 PHONE CALLS 13 1 Interviews 2 Telephone phrases 3 Asking for clarification 4 Leaving a message 5 More telephone phrases 6 Bad news and apologies 7 Reading: Mobile phones 8 Past tenses 9 Abbreviations 10 Synonyms 11 Articles and quantifiers 12 What do you say? 13 Vocabulary review 11–16 WRITING 21 1 Interviews 2 Adverbs and word order 3 Reading: 'Spam' 4 Joining sentences and relative clauses 5 British and American English 6 Punctuation and spelling 7 Prefixes 8 Vocabulary review 17–22 EXCHANGING INFORMATION 29 1 Interviews 2 Asking and answering 3 Checking and giving details 4 Answering difficult questions 5 Making arrangements 6 Reading: First America, then the world 7 Questions and question tags 8 Suffixes – 1 9 Reported speech 10 Numbers 11 What do you say? 12 Vocabulary review 23–28 MEETINGS 37 1 Interviews 2 Asking for and discussing views 3 Formal meetings 4 Negotiating 5 The future 6 Suffixes – 2 7 Reading: Negotiating in Japan 8 Comparing and contrasting 9 What do you say? 10 Vocabulary review 29–34 ENTERTAINING VISITORS 45 1 Interviews 2 Welcoming a visitor 3 Choosing a place to eat 4 Directions 5 At reception in a hotel 6 Reading: Doing business with Americans 7 If . . . sentences 8 Countries and nationalities 9 –ing and to __ 10 What do you say? 11 Vocabulary review 35–40 EXPLAINING AND PRESENTING 53 1 Interview 2 Demonstrations 3 Talking about a product 4 Presentations 5 Reading: www.webvan.com 6 Phrasal verbs and verbs prepositions 7 What do you say? 8 The passive 9 Phrasal verbs 10 Vocabulary review ANSWERS AND TRANSCRIPTS 61

新版剑桥商务英语(中级):练习册 作者简介

利奥·琼斯(Leo Jones)是著名英语教育专家,他也是一名自由撰稿人,具有多年语言学校教学经验,在许多国家为教师举办过研讨会。
