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国家创新指数报告2019(英文版) 版权信息

国家创新指数报告2019(英文版) 内容简介

Improving indigenous innovation capability and building an innovation-oriented country are the strategic goals set forth in China’s Outline of the National Program for Longand Medium-Term Scientific and Technological Development (2006—2020). The Chinese Academy of Science and Technology for Development began working on the national innovation index (NII) research in 2006 in order to track and assess China’s progress in building itself into an innovation-oriented country. With the support and assistance from the Ministry of Science and Technology and its related departments and bureaus, related public institutions, and experts from various sectors, the National Innovation Index Report has been published annually since 2011. The National Innovation Index Report 2019 is the 9th release. The National Innovation Index Report, as one of the reports of the “national innovation survey system” series prepared in accordance with the Measures for Implementation of the National Innovation Survey System, is a state-level innovation capacity evaluation report. Drawing upon domestic and international theories and methods of evaluation of national competitiveness and innovation capacity, it is based on an indicator matrix comprising five pillars, i.e. innovation resources, knowledge creation, enterprise innovation, innovation performance, and innovation environment. This report is still framed around the same indicator system structure as the previous release, which consists of 5 first-level indicators and 30 second-level indicators. The 30 second-level indicators include 20 quantitative indicators which highlight innovation scale, quality and efficiency and international competitiveness while maintaining a balance between large and small countries, and ten qualitative indicators which reflect the innovation environment. This report continues to feature 40 countries with active science, technology and innovation (STI) activities (whose combined R&D expenditure accounts for more than 95% of the world’s total), and continues to use the commonly adopted benchmarking method worldwide to calculate the national innovation index. All data are obtained from databases and publications of governments or international organizations, and are internationally comparable and authoritative. It calculates the innovation index scores of the 40 countries based on the latest statistical data (2017 data unless otherwise indicated) and compares them with their performances in the previous release. In today’s world, a country’s prosperity and sustainable development is mainly dependent on the development and accumulation of its national innovation capacity, rather than on the size of population or availability of natural resources. In the face of the opportunities and challenges accompanying science and technology development and the evolution of the international political and economic landscape, countries are increasing investment in innovation resources to strengthen their innovation capacity. Against the backdrop of global competition, China moved up to the 15th spot in the national innovation index with a higher overall index score, further narrowing its gap with advanced countries. The report to the 19th CPC National Congress expressly put forward the strategic task of “accelerating the construction of innovative country”. The establishment of the national innovation survey system will create favorable conditions for improving the innovation evaluation indicator system and advancing national innovation capability monitoring and evaluation. The effort to evaluate China’s comprehensive innovation capability, track its innovation capability development and analyze the gap with leading innovation-driven countries requires continuous exploration and in-depth research. We sincerely hope that the annual National Innovation Index Report will provide the public with a window through

国家创新指数报告2019(英文版) 目录

Part I China’s Innovation Performance Through Data 1

I. China’s Progress in Key Innovation Indicators 2

(I) Input of Innovation Resources Steadily Grows 3

(II) Knowledge Creation Capacity Continues to Increase 8

(III) Innovation Makes Increasing Contribution to Economic Growth 11

II. China’s Position in the Global Innovation Landscape 14

(I) The Global Innovation Landscape Is Shifting to Being Dominated

by the Trio of North America, Europe and Asia 15

(II) China Outperforms Other Upper-Middle-Income Countries 18

(III) China’s Development Potential Lies in Innovation Quality

Improvement and International Cooperation 22

III. Assessment on National Innovation Index Indicators 29

(I) Input of Innovation Resources Makes Notable Progress 31

(II) Knowledge Creation Continues to Take the Lead 33

(III) Enterprise Innovation Abilities Remain Stable 36

(IV) Innovation Performance Improves Significantly 40

(V) Innovation Environment Needs Further Improvement 43

IV. China’s Innovation Capacity Development and Evolution 46

(I) China’s Movement in the National Innovation Index 47

(II) Progress and Outlook for Indicator Targets of China’s 13th

Five-Year National Plan for Science, Technology and Innovation 52

Part II Country Analysis 57

Part III Assessment Methodology 99

I. Assessment Approach 100

(I) Objective of Assessment 100

(II) Meaning of an Innovation-Driven Country 100

(III) Theoretical Basis 102

(IV) Criteria of Indicator Selection 102

II. Indicator Matrix 104

III. Calculation Methodology 106

(I) Treatment of the Second-Level Indicator Data 106

(II) Calculation of the First-Level Indicator Score 106

(III) Calculation of the National Innovation Index Score 107

(IV) Calculation of China’s National Innovation Index Score

Increases 107

Appendixes 109

Appendix I  Index and Sub-index Scores and Rankings 110

Appendix II Definitions of Indicators 113

Appendix III Data Sources 118


National Innovation Index Report 2019
