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专利法 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787509392515
  • 条形码:9787509392515 ; 978-7-5093-9251-5
  • 装帧:80g胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

专利法 本书特色


专利法 内容简介


专利法 目录

  Table of ContentsChapter Ⅰ GENERAL INTRODUCTION1A. Brief Note on American Legal System1B. Intellectual Property Law and Patents2Bonito Boats, Inc. v. Thunder Craft Boats, Inc.2C. Justification of Patent System7D. Applicable Law 8E. Forums and Jurisdiction10Chapter Ⅱ NOVELTY11A. Introduction11B. Public Sale16Pennock v. Dialogue16C. Use in Public21Egbert v. Lippmann21D. Printed Publication24In re Hall24Chapter Ⅲ UTILITY29A. Introduction29Lewell v. Lewis29B. Chemical Compound31Brenner, Commissioner of Patents v. Manson31In re Brana37C. Immorality45Juicy Whip, Inc. v. Orange Bang, Inc.45Chapter Ⅳ NONOBVIOUSNESS51A. Introduction51Hotchkiss v. Greenwood52B. Obviousness Test56Graham v. John Deere Co. of Kansas City56C. Motivation to Combine Prior Arts65KSR International Co. v. Teleflex Inc.65Chapter Ⅴ PATENTABLE SUBJECT MATTER71A. Introduction71Diamond v. Chakrabarty72B. Computer Programs81In The Matter Of Application By Fujitsu81C. Business Methods86In re Bilski86Bilski v. Kappos100D. Laws of Nature102Mayo Collaborative Services v. Prometheus Laboratories, Inc.102Chapter Ⅵ DISCLOSURE111A. Introduction111B. Enablement112O’Reilly v. Morse112C. Written Description118Ariad Pharmaceuticals, Inc. v. Eli Lilly and Company118D. Best Mode Requirement131Chapter Ⅶ CLAIMS133A. Introduction133B. Claim Structure137C. Types of Claim140Abbott Laboratories v. Sandoz, Inc.143D. Claiming Technique148Ex Parte Fressola148E. Claim Construction151Markman v. Westview Instruments, Inc.152Chapter Ⅷ PATENT PROSECUTION159A. Introduction159B. Preparing and Filing Patent Applications164Kingsdown Medical Consultants Ltd. v. Hollister Inc.164C. Examination168D. Docketing169Chapter Ⅸ POST-ISSUANCE CORRECTION171A. Introduction171B. Certificate of Correction171C. Reissue172Seattle Box Co. v. Indus. Crating & Packing Inc.174D. Reexamination179Third-Party Opposition of Patent Issuance180Chapter Ⅹ PATENT INFRINGEMENT187A. Introduction187B. Literary Meaning of Claim Language190Unique Concepts, Inc. v. Brown190C. Indirect Infringement196Deepsouth Packing Co. v. Laitram Corp.196Microsoft Corporation v. AT&T Corp.201D. Contributory Infringement & Patent Misuse210Dawson Chemical Co. v. Rohm & Haas Co.210E. Infringing Use217Centillion Data Systems v. Qwest Communications International217F. Doctrine of Equivalents and Its Limitations224Corning Glass Works v. Sumitomo Electric U.S.A., Inc.224Festo Corp. v. Shoketsu Kinzoku Kogyo Kabushiki Co., Ltd.230Chapter Ⅺ DEFENSE TO PATENT INFRINGEMENT239A. Introduction239B. Noninfringement241C. Invalidity241D. Unenforceability242A.C. Aukerman Company v. R.L. Chaides Construction Co.242Hazel-Atlas Glass Co. v. Hartford-Empire Co.252Therasense, Inc. v. Becton, Dickinson & Co.256E. Patent Misuse and Antitrust Counterclaims261F. Other Defenses261Chapter Ⅻ REMEDIES263A. Introduction263B. Compensatory Damages263C. Injunctions264City of Milwaukee v. Activated Sludge, Inc.264eBay Inc. v. MercExchange, L.L.C.266D. Punitive Damages and Attorney Fee270In re Seagate Technology, LLC270Chapter ⅫⅠ PATENT LICENSING275A. Introduction275B. Litigation and Settlement276C. Compulsory Licensing277D. Licensor Repudiation and Assignor Estoppel278E. Antitrust Violations279U.S. Philips Corp. v. International Trade Commission279F.T.C. v. Activis, Inc.294Chapter ⅩⅣ CURRENT ISSUES AND DEVELOPMENT307A. Introduction307B. Patent Trolling307First-of-Its-Kind Settlement between NY and Patent TrollEstablishes Guidelines to Prevent Deceptive and ExploitativePatent Assertion Conduct307C. Parallel Import, Grey Market, and Exhaustion Doctrines (Domestic & International Exhaustion)311Adams v. Burke311General Talking Pictures Corp. v. Western Electronics Co.316D. Unfair Trade Practices (Patent) Investigation at USITC320

专利法 作者简介

