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中国人权事业发展报告:英文:2017版:NO.7:2017:NO.7:2017 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787520121040
  • 条形码:9787520121040 ; 978-7-5201-2104-0
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

中国人权事业发展报告:英文:2017版:NO.7:2017:NO.7:2017 内容简介

  In the Seventh Blue Book on the Development of China's Human Rights, it reviewed andanalyzed the progress made by China concerning human rights in 2016, with special attentionpaid to the significance of the full and strict governance over CPC to the development ofChina's human rights cause, the position of the right to development in the whole human rightssystem, and China's human rights legislation and international exchanges in 2016. Based on ascientific attitude, all reports in this book analyzed the new progress and existing problems inan objective manner. Proposals on promoting the development of China's human rights causehereafter were also put forward on the basis of in-depth research.

中国人权事业发展报告:英文:2017版:NO.7:2017:NO.7:2017 目录

Ⅰ General Report
B.1 Comprehensively and Strictly Governing the CPC and the Development of Human Rights in China

Ⅱ Thematic Reports
Ⅰ. Right to Development
B.2 Review of Research on the Right to Development in China in 2016
B.3 New Progress in the Study on the Status of the Right to Development in the Human Rights System
Ⅱ. Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
B.4 New Progress in Targeted Poverty Alleviation and Human Rights Protection for Impoverished Rural Population
B.5 Protecting Rights of Workers with Pneumoconiosis in China
B.6 Protection of Farmers' Rights in Land Circulation
B.7 New Progress in the Integrated Treatment of Air Pollution in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei and the Protection of Citizens' Environmental Right
9.8 The Prevention and Control of Soil Pollution and Protection of the Right to Health
9.9 Judge Accountability and Protection of the Right to an Impartial Trial
9.10 Regulation of Administrative Law Enforcement and Human Rights Protection
Ⅳ. Human Rights Protection of Specific Groups
B.11 Pairing-Assistance to Xinjiang and Protection of Ethnic Minorities' Human Rights
V. Human Rights-Related Legislation and International Cooperation
B.12 An Analysis Report on China's Human Rights-Related Legislation in 2016
9.13 China' s International Cooperation and Exchanges in Human Rights in 2016

Ⅲ Research Report and Case Study
9.14 A Research Report on the "Culture for People" Project in Tianjin
11.15 A Survey Report on Chinese People's Opinions on Human Rights on the Internet
11.16 A Survey Report on Sex Education and Sexual Abuse Prevention for Children in Chongqing

Ⅳ Appendices
11.17 Chronicle of China' s Human Rights Events in 2016

中国人权事业发展报告:英文:2017版:NO.7:2017:NO.7:2017 作者简介

