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树鼩脑立体定位图谱 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787030492975
  • 条形码:9787030492975 ; 978-7-03-049297-5
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

树鼩脑立体定位图谱 本书特色

高标准、高质量的脑图谱在神经科学研究中极为关键。中缅树鼩(Tupaia belangeri chinensis)作为备受关注的动物模型之一,其之前的树鼩脑图谱资料远远不能满足当前科学研究发展的需求。周江宁教授和倪荣军博士撰写的《树鼩脑立体定位图谱》一书提供了到目前为止*全面、*系统、**分辨率的树鼩脑图谱。作者结合经典染色技术和9.4T核磁共振成像技术,全景式展现了树鼩脑立体定位图谱,包括192张冠状切面、49张水平切面和36张矢状切面的染色图,并配有模式结构图。

树鼩脑立体定位图谱 内容简介


树鼩脑立体定位图谱 目录

Part I Tree Shrew Whole-Brain Anatomy: Drawings and Nomenclature
1Background and Methods 3
1.1Introduction 3
1.2Methods 4
1.2.1Surgery and Stereotaxic Approach 4
1.3Histology 6
1.3.1Thionin Staining (Nissl Staining) 6
1.3.2Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) Staining 6
1.3.3Digital Photomicrographs and Drawings 6
1.3.4Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)6
1.3.5Stereotaxic Reference System and Stereotaxic Accuracy 7
1.3.6Nomenclature 7
1.3.7Methods Used to Determine the Positions of Structures 8
Conclusion 9
References 10
Part II Figures of the Tree Shrew Whole Brain
2Coronal Sections of the Tree Shrew Brain 13
3Horizontal Sections of the Tree Shrew Brain 399
4Sagittal Sections of the Tree Shrew Brain 499
List of Brain Regions 573
List of Structures 581
List of Abbreviations 585

树鼩脑立体定位图谱 作者简介

周江宁,Jiang-Ning Zhou earned his doctoral degrees at the University of Amsterdam in 1996.From 1998 to 2003, he was Professor of Geriatrics and Vice Dean of The First Hospital of Anhui Medical University in China. Since 2003 he is Professor of Neurobiology at Department of Neurobiology, School of Life Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China. His major research interests focus on the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease and depression. He has published over 100 papers on SCIjournals, including Nature, Archives General Psychiatry,Molecular Psychiatry, Brain and Biological Psychiatry, etc. Zhou mentored 40 Ph.D. students.In 2011, he obtained Excellent Scholar Awards from Chinese Neuroscience Society. In 2014,he received Natural Science Awards from the Ministry of Education of China. 倪荣军,Rong-Jun Ni obtained his undergraduate degree in 2009 from Anhui University. He earned his Doctor of Philosophy degree from the University of Science and Technology of China in 2014 and began the postdoctoral training in the Department of Neurobiology, University of Science and Technology of China from 2014. Dr. Ni's research focuses on the brain anatomy, neural circuit, neuropeptides, and behaviors of tree shrews. He has published several papers in SCI journals and authored one chapter in the Basic Biology and Disease Models of Tree Shrews.These studies are funded by the Natural Science Foundation of China and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities.
