英汉语篇跨文化修辞研究 版权信息
- ISBN:9787513564489
- 条形码:9787513564489 ; 978-7-5135-6448-9
- 装帧:一般胶版纸
- 册数:暂无
- 重量:暂无
- 所属分类:>
英汉语篇跨文化修辞研究 内容简介
英汉语篇跨文化修辞研究 目录
List of Tables
List of Figures
Chapter I Intercultural Rhetoric Revisited
1.1 Introduction
1.2 The relationship between L 1 and L2 writing
1.3 Theoretical conceptualization of intercultural rhetoric
1.4 Development and challenges of intercultural rhetoric research
1.5 Summary
Chapter 2 A Multidimensional and Ecological
Approach to Intercultural Rhetoric Studies
2. 1 Introduction
2.2 Research focus
2.3 Research methods
2.4 Explanatory factors
2.5 Summary
Chapter 3 Situating Intercultural Rhetoric
Research Within Systemic Functional Linguistics
3. l Introduction
3.2 Tri-stratal model of language
3.3 Metafunctions of language
3.4 Genre schools
3.5 SFL genre studies
3.6 Arguing genre from an SFL perspective
3.7 APPRAISAL theory
3.7.1 ATTITUDE system
3.7.2 ENGAGEMENT system
3.8 Summary
Chapter 4 Contrasting English-Chinese Written
Discourse: A Case Study
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Qi-Cheng-Zhuan-He rhetorical structure
4.3 Ba Gu Wen (eight-legged essay)
4.4 Inductiveness (indirectness) vs. deductiveness (directness)
4.5 Critical stance and personal voice
4.6 Research gaps in English-Chinese contrastive studies
4.7 Methodology
4.7.1 Preparation of research tools
4.7.2 Piloting of research tools
4.7.3 The formal investigation
4.7.4 Chinese English-majors' English (CEE) and Chinese
4.7.5 Good Chinese writing (CC)
4.7.6 Good English writing (EE)
4.7.7 Examination of Chinese and English writing manuals
4.7.8 Structure analysis of students' texts
4.7.9 Identification of thesis statement and topic sentences
4.7.10 Placement of thesis statement and topic sentences
4.7.11 Topic sentence/paragraph ratio (T/P value)
4.7.12 Identification of introduction and conclusion
4.7.13 Schematic analysis
4.1.14 Identication of Qi-Cheng-Zhuan-He rhetorical
4.7.15 Analyzing Engagement resources
4.7.16 Validity and reliability of Appraisal coding
4.7.17 Parsing Chinese lexical items for CEC and CC
4.7.18 Multidimensional view of comparisons
4.8 Summary
Chapter 5 Structural Analysis
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Thesis statement
5.2.1 Comparison of native-speakers' writing: EE and CC
5.2.2 A cross-cultural comparison between EE and CEE
5.2.3 A within-language comparison between CC and CEC
5.2.4 A within-subject comparison between CEE and CEC
5.3 Topic sentences
5.3. ! Comparison of native speakers' writing: EE and CC
5.3.2 A cross-cultural comparison between EE and CEE
5.3.3 A within-language comparison between CC and CEC
5.3.4 A within-subject comparison between CEE and CEC
5.4 Methods of writing an introduction
5.4.1 Comparison of native-speakers' writing: EE and CC
5.4.2 A cross-cultural comparison between EE and CEE
5.4.3 A within-language comparison between CC and CEC
5.4.4 A within-subject comparison between CEE and CEC
5.5 Methods of writing a conclusion
5.5.1 Comparison of native-speakers' writing:EE and CC
5.5.2 A cross-cultural comparison between EE and CEE
5.5.3 A within-language comparison between CC and CEC
5.5.4 A within-subject comparison between CEE and CEC
5.6 Qi-Cheng-Zhuan-He rhetorical structure
5.6.1 Qi-Cheng-Zhuan-He rhetorical structure in EE
5.6.2 Qi-Cheng-Zhuan-He rhetorical structure in CC
5.6.3 Qi-Cheng-Zhuan-He rhetorical structure in CEE
5.6.4 Qi-Cheng-Zhuan-He rhetorical structure in CEC
5.7 Summary
Chapter 6 Engagement Analysis
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Comparison of native-speakers' writing: EE and CC
6.2.1 Monogloss and Heterogloss
6.2.2 Heterogloss subcategories
6.3 A cross-cultural comparison between EE and CEE
6.3.1 Monogloss and Heterogloss
6.3.2 Heterogloss subcategories
6.4 A within-language comparison between CC and CEC
6.4.1 Monogloss and Heterogloss
6.4.2 Heterogloss subcategories
6.5 A within-subject comparison between CEE and CEC
6.5.1 Monogloss and Heterogloss
6.5.2 Heterogloss subcategories
6.6 Summary
Chapter 7 Conclusion
7.1 Introduction
7.2 The study revisited
7.3 Summary of results
7.3.1 Structural analysis
7.3.2 Engagement analysis
7.4 Theoretical implication: Towards a multi-dimensional and
ecological view of contrastive rhetoric
7.5 Pedagogical implications: A two-stage genre-based writing
7.6 Evaluation of the research
7.6.1 Contributions of the study
7.6.2 Limitations of the study
7.7 Suggestions for future research
Appendix A Potential Topics
Appendix B Writing Instructions
Appendix C Discourse-based Interview Questions (Writing Process
Questionnaire Questions)
Appendix D English Writing Experience Questionnaire for CEE
(English Version)
Appendix E Chinese Writing Experience Questionnaire for CEC and C
Appendix F English Writing Experience Questionnaire for EE
Appendix G TEM4 Writing Rating Rubric for CEE (NACFLT, 2004)
Appendix H CC Rating Rubric
List of Figures
Chapter I Intercultural Rhetoric Revisited
1.1 Introduction
1.2 The relationship between L 1 and L2 writing
1.3 Theoretical conceptualization of intercultural rhetoric
1.4 Development and challenges of intercultural rhetoric research
1.5 Summary
Chapter 2 A Multidimensional and Ecological
Approach to Intercultural Rhetoric Studies
2. 1 Introduction
2.2 Research focus
2.3 Research methods
2.4 Explanatory factors
2.5 Summary
Chapter 3 Situating Intercultural Rhetoric
Research Within Systemic Functional Linguistics
3. l Introduction
3.2 Tri-stratal model of language
3.3 Metafunctions of language
3.4 Genre schools
3.5 SFL genre studies
3.6 Arguing genre from an SFL perspective
3.7 APPRAISAL theory
3.7.1 ATTITUDE system
3.7.2 ENGAGEMENT system
3.8 Summary
Chapter 4 Contrasting English-Chinese Written
Discourse: A Case Study
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Qi-Cheng-Zhuan-He rhetorical structure
4.3 Ba Gu Wen (eight-legged essay)
4.4 Inductiveness (indirectness) vs. deductiveness (directness)
4.5 Critical stance and personal voice
4.6 Research gaps in English-Chinese contrastive studies
4.7 Methodology
4.7.1 Preparation of research tools
4.7.2 Piloting of research tools
4.7.3 The formal investigation
4.7.4 Chinese English-majors' English (CEE) and Chinese
4.7.5 Good Chinese writing (CC)
4.7.6 Good English writing (EE)
4.7.7 Examination of Chinese and English writing manuals
4.7.8 Structure analysis of students' texts
4.7.9 Identification of thesis statement and topic sentences
4.7.10 Placement of thesis statement and topic sentences
4.7.11 Topic sentence/paragraph ratio (T/P value)
4.7.12 Identification of introduction and conclusion
4.7.13 Schematic analysis
4.1.14 Identication of Qi-Cheng-Zhuan-He rhetorical
4.7.15 Analyzing Engagement resources
4.7.16 Validity and reliability of Appraisal coding
4.7.17 Parsing Chinese lexical items for CEC and CC
4.7.18 Multidimensional view of comparisons
4.8 Summary
Chapter 5 Structural Analysis
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Thesis statement
5.2.1 Comparison of native-speakers' writing: EE and CC
5.2.2 A cross-cultural comparison between EE and CEE
5.2.3 A within-language comparison between CC and CEC
5.2.4 A within-subject comparison between CEE and CEC
5.3 Topic sentences
5.3. ! Comparison of native speakers' writing: EE and CC
5.3.2 A cross-cultural comparison between EE and CEE
5.3.3 A within-language comparison between CC and CEC
5.3.4 A within-subject comparison between CEE and CEC
5.4 Methods of writing an introduction
5.4.1 Comparison of native-speakers' writing: EE and CC
5.4.2 A cross-cultural comparison between EE and CEE
5.4.3 A within-language comparison between CC and CEC
5.4.4 A within-subject comparison between CEE and CEC
5.5 Methods of writing a conclusion
5.5.1 Comparison of native-speakers' writing:EE and CC
5.5.2 A cross-cultural comparison between EE and CEE
5.5.3 A within-language comparison between CC and CEC
5.5.4 A within-subject comparison between CEE and CEC
5.6 Qi-Cheng-Zhuan-He rhetorical structure
5.6.1 Qi-Cheng-Zhuan-He rhetorical structure in EE
5.6.2 Qi-Cheng-Zhuan-He rhetorical structure in CC
5.6.3 Qi-Cheng-Zhuan-He rhetorical structure in CEE
5.6.4 Qi-Cheng-Zhuan-He rhetorical structure in CEC
5.7 Summary
Chapter 6 Engagement Analysis
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Comparison of native-speakers' writing: EE and CC
6.2.1 Monogloss and Heterogloss
6.2.2 Heterogloss subcategories
6.3 A cross-cultural comparison between EE and CEE
6.3.1 Monogloss and Heterogloss
6.3.2 Heterogloss subcategories
6.4 A within-language comparison between CC and CEC
6.4.1 Monogloss and Heterogloss
6.4.2 Heterogloss subcategories
6.5 A within-subject comparison between CEE and CEC
6.5.1 Monogloss and Heterogloss
6.5.2 Heterogloss subcategories
6.6 Summary
Chapter 7 Conclusion
7.1 Introduction
7.2 The study revisited
7.3 Summary of results
7.3.1 Structural analysis
7.3.2 Engagement analysis
7.4 Theoretical implication: Towards a multi-dimensional and
ecological view of contrastive rhetoric
7.5 Pedagogical implications: A two-stage genre-based writing
7.6 Evaluation of the research
7.6.1 Contributions of the study
7.6.2 Limitations of the study
7.7 Suggestions for future research
Appendix A Potential Topics
Appendix B Writing Instructions
Appendix C Discourse-based Interview Questions (Writing Process
Questionnaire Questions)
Appendix D English Writing Experience Questionnaire for CEE
(English Version)
Appendix E Chinese Writing Experience Questionnaire for CEC and C
Appendix F English Writing Experience Questionnaire for EE
Appendix G TEM4 Writing Rating Rubric for CEE (NACFLT, 2004)
Appendix H CC Rating Rubric
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