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高一.下-常青树英语-六级 版权信息

高一.下-常青树英语-六级 本书特色


高一.下-常青树英语-六级 内容简介

《常青树英语 六级(高一·下)/普通高中英语课程标准泛读教材》根据《普通高中英语课程标准》六级的要求,精选英国、美国、加拿大、澳大利亚等英语国家的语文素材,辅以其他经典阅读材料和经过改编的时新英语素材,并在选文后搭配精心编写、设计的练习题目,作为高中生课外英语读物和辅助英语泛读教材,帮助学生提高英语综合应用能力。选材涉及人文故事、自然科学等类别。

高一.下-常青树英语-六级 目录

Lesson 1 Are You an Effective Learner? Lesson 2 10 Ways to Improve Your MemoryLesson 3 The Apple TreeLesson 4 Do You Exercise? Lesson 5 The Best OneLesson 6 Book, Ink, and FeatherLesson 7 The Tale of Two PebblesLesson 8 The Cave of FearLesson 9 The Alphabet Of Happiness (Ⅰ)Lesson 10 The Alphabet of Happiness (Ⅱ)Lesson 11 I Am MeLesson 12 The Lost NecklaceLesson 13 Be Careful with the Green-eyed Monster! Lesson 14 Don't Hope,... Decide! Lesson 15 Clever DolphinsLesson 16 Neighborhood EnvironmentLesson 17 James Watt and the TeakettleLesson 18 No Greater LoveLesson 19 Happy with What I HaveLesson 20 A First for the First LadyLesson 21 The Reality of SuccessLesson 22 The Stinging NettleLesson 23 Types of RelationshipsLesson 24 The Bitter and the SweetLesson 25 If I Were a Boy AgainLesson 26 The Panhandler's Box (Ⅰ)Lesson 27 The Panhandler's Box (Ⅱ)Lesson 28 Life Is like BoxingLesson 29 When Kids Stop Believing in SantaLesson 30 The True Spirit of ChristmasLesson 31 Who Did Patrick's Homework? Lesson 32 Here's How Much Your High School Grades Predict Your Future SalaryLesson 33 Portrait of a TeacherLesson 34 President Obama Speaks on Death of Nelson MandelaLesson 35 The Remembrance of LilacsLesson 36 Getting Started with TOEFLLesson 37 Dogs Understand Emotions like HumansLesson 38 A Gift of LoveLesson 39 Do You Know Your Special Talent? Lesson 40 How All Adults Make a DifferenceLesson 41 He Never Missed a GameLesson 42 Four Wives in Our LifeLesson 43 The Mystery of the Mary CelesteLesson 44 The Riddle House (Ⅰ)Lesson 45 The Riddle House (Ⅱ)Lesson 46 Stand Tall like the SunflowerLesson 47 Robots as Fast as Cheetahs? Lesson 48 StonehengeLesson 49 All Flowers Are BeautifulLesson 50 The ChamoisLesson 51 The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (I)Lesson 52 The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (II)Lesson 53 What American Hospitality Is AboutLesson 54 Unleashing Your CreativityKEY

高一.下-常青树英语-六级 作者简介

