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电子技术专业英语 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787121257292
  • 条形码:9787121257292 ; 978-7-121-25729-2
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

电子技术专业英语 本书特色

本书按照教育部中等职业学校电子与信息技术专业《电子技术专业英语》教学大纲及课程标准组织编写。   本书取材新颖,内容充实,基本涵盖了较新且实用的电子技术内容。起点低,容易上手,实用性强。通过学习,使学生不但能够掌握电子与信息技术专业常用的词汇,而且能顺利地阅读、理解有关的英文技术文献和资料,从而熟练使用各种电子仪器进行电子电路的测试和故障诊断。学生积极参与教学的同时也培养了学生沟通表达能力和综合素质。

电子技术专业英语 内容简介


电子技术专业英语 目录

unit 1 electronics in the home
 part 1 lead-in
  task 1 match the types of the devices to the pictures
 part 2 dialogue
 part 3 reading
  task 2 fill in the gaps in this table with the help of the text:
  task 3 make your choice according to the passage
 part 4 notes
 part 5 grammar
  task 4 look and write.
  task 5 think and complete.
 part 6 read more
  task 6 try to match the following columns.
  task 7 try to match the following columns
 part 7 new words & expression
unit 2 component values
 part 1 lead-in
  task 1 fill in the missing colors in the table with the help of the text.
 part 2 dialogue
 part 3 reading
  task 2 find the values and tolerance of resistors band ed as follows. then compare your answer with your partner.
 part 4 notes
 part 5 grammar
  task 3 find the statements that are passive voice.
  task 4 fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb.
 part 6 read more
  task 5 this table provides the terms you need. describe the value of these com- ponents with the help of the table.
  task 6 describing block diagrams and circuits, fill in the gaps in this description of the tuned circuit shown in fig.2. each gap represents one word.
 part 7 new words & expression
unit 3 electronic components
 part 1 lead-in
  task 1 match the types of the components to the pictures
 part 2 dialogue
 part 3 reading
  task 2 write t (true) or f (false) beside the following statements about the text.
  task 3 match the following terms to appropriate definition or expression.
  task 4 fill in the missing words according to the text.
 part 4 notes
 part 5 grammar
  task 5 read and decide.
  task 6 choose the best answer.
 part 6 read more
  task 7 complete the following statements with a,b, or c, score one mark for each correct answer.
 part 7 new words & expression
unit 4 battery charger
 part 1 lead-in
  task 1 here are some circuit symbols. label them and describe their function.
 part 2 dialogue
 part 3 reading
  task 2 each of these verbs has a related noun ending in -er or -or which refers to an instrument or component. complete the column of verbs into nouns.
  task 3 match each component or unit with its function in a battery charger.
 part 4 notes
 part 5 grammar
  task 4 read and match.
  task 5 choose and complete.
 part 6 read more
  task 6 write t (true) or f (false) beside the following statements about the text.
  task 7 fill in the missing words according to the text.
  task 8 match the following terms to appropriate definition or expression.
 part 7 new words & expression
unit 5 alarm systems
 part 1 lead-in
  task 1 each word in column a often goes before one word from column b. find the other word pairs.
 part 2 dialogue
 part 3 reading
  task 2 use information from the text to complete the tables.
  task 3 use words from the text to complete the following table.
 part 4 notes
 part 5 grammar
  task 4 choose and complete.
  task 5 read and match.
 part 6 read more
  task 6 fill the gaps in this diagram with the help of the text.
  task 7 now fill in the gaps in this diagram with the help of the text.
 part 7 new words & expression
unit 6 test and repair instruments
 part 1 lead-in
  task 1 match the types of the instruments to the pictures.
 part 2 dialogue
 part 3 reading
  task 2 which of the instruments would you use to do the follouing operations?
  task 3 make your choice according to the text.
  task 4 try to match the following columns.
 part 4 notes
 part 5 grammar
  task 5 choose the best answer.
  task 6 think and complete.
 part 6 read more
  task 7 write t (true) or f (false) beside the following statements about the text.
  task 8 fill in the missing words according to the text.
 part 7 new words & expression
unit 7 digital circuit
 part 1 lead-in
  task 1 match each logic gate with its truth table for each of the following.
 part 2 dialogue
 part 3 readi

电子技术专业英语 作者简介

1993.7—至今 上海信息技术学校。指导学生参加第三届上海市中等职业学校星光计划“电子产品装配与调试”,获得一等奖
