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汽车传动系的非线性估计与控制 版权信息

汽车传动系的非线性估计与控制 本书特色

 hong chen、bingzhao gao编著的《汽车传动系的非线性估计与控制(英文版)(精)》首先介绍了汽车传动系和非线性控制理论的基础知识和发展现状。在分析了各种自动变速器的形式和控制特点之后,阐述了适合车辆传动控制的非线性控制方法。继而针对广泛应用于轿车的液力式自动变速器at(automatictransmission)和双离合器自动变速器dct(dualclutchtransmission)以及广泛应用于卡车的机械式自动变速器amt(automatedmanualtransmission),应用构造性非线性控制(如backstepping,input-to-statestable)和模型预测控制(modelpredictivecontrol)等先进控制理论,详细讨论了车辆动力传动系的力矩估计和换档控制等系统的设计,在理论分析的基础上给出估计器和控制器参数选取的指导性原则,并针对具体的例子给出了在asmesim中的仿真分析。

汽车传动系的非线性估计与控制 内容简介


汽车传动系的非线性估计与控制 目录

1 introduction  1.1 introduction of automotive drivetrain    1.1.1 engine    1.1.2 clutch/torque converter    1.1.3 transmissions    1.1.4 propeller shaft and differential gear box    1.1.5 drive axle shaft    1.1.6 tires and vehicle  1.2 overview of automotive transmissions    1.2.1 hydraulic automatic transmission (at)    1.2.2 automated manual transmission (amt)    1.2.3 dual clutch transmission (dct)    1.2.4 continuously variable transmission (cvt)    1.2.5 final remark  1.3 why consider model-based control?    1.3.1 evolution of control systems for automotive powertrains    1.3.2 introduction of model-based design    1.3.3 application examples of model-based control  1.4 why consider nonlinear control?    1.4.1 necessity of nonlinear control    1.4.2 state-of-the-art of applied nonlinear control  1.5 structure of the text  references2 pressure estimation of a wet clutch  2.1 introduction  2.2 description and modeling of a powertrain system  2.3 clutch pressure estimation without consideration of drive shaft stiffness    2.3.1 clutch system modeling and problem statement    2.3.2 reduced-order nonlinear state observer    2.3.3 simulation results    2.3.4 design of full-order sliding mode observer and comparison  2.4 clutch pressure estimation when considering drive shaft stiffness    2.4.1 clutch system modeling when considering the drive shaft    2.4.2 design of reduced-order nonlinear state observer     2.4.3 simulation results  2.5 notes and references  references3 torque phase control of the clutch-to-clutch shift process  3.1 introduction  3.2 motivation of clutch timing control  3.3 clutch control strategy  3.4 simulation results    3.4.1 powertrain simulation model    3.4.2 simulation results  3.5 notes and references  references4 inertia phase control of the clutch-to-clutch shift process  4.1 introduction  4.2 two-degree-of-freedom linear controller    4.2.1 controller design    4.2.2 simulation results  4.3 nonlinear feedback-feedforward controller    4.3.1 clutch slip controller    4.3.2 simulation results  4.4 backstepping controller    4.4.1 nonlinear controller with iss property    4.4.2 implementation issues    4.4.3 controller of the considered clutch system    4.4.4 simulation results  4.5 backstepping controller for dcts    4.5.1 system modeling and problem statement    4.5.2 controller design    4.5.3 simulation results  4.6 notes and references  references5 torque estimation of the vehicle drive shaft  5.1 introduction  5.2 driveline modeling and problem statement    5.2.1 driveline modeling    5.2.2 estimation problem statement  5.3 reduced-order nonlinear shaft torque observer    5.3.1 structure of the observer    5.3.2 properties of the error dynamics    5.3.3 guideline of choosing tuning parameters    5.3.4 observer design for considered vehicle  5.4 simulation results    5.4.1 powertrain simulation model    5.4.2 simulation results  5.5 notes and references  references6 clutch disengagement timing control of amt gear shift  6.1 introduction  6.2 observer-based clutch disengagement timing control  6.3 clutch disengagement strategy  6.4 simulation results    6.4.1 simulation results with constant observer gain    6.4.2 simulation results with switched observer gains  6.5 notes and references  references7 clutch engagement control of amt gear shift  7.1 introduction  7.2 power-on upshift of amt    7.2.1 dynamics and control strategy    7.2.2 simulation results  7.3 power-on downshift of amt    7.3.1 dynamic process of power-on downshift    7.3.2 control problem descriptioh    7.3.3 controller design of torque recovery phase    7.3.4 simulation results  7.4 notes and references  references8 data-driven start-up control of amt vehicle  8.1 introduction  8.2 control requirements  8.3 data-driven start-up predictive controller of amt vehicle     8.3.1 subspace linear predictor    8.3.2 data-driven start-up predictor    8.3.3 predictive output equation    8.3.4 data-driven predictive controller witho