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所属丛书: 昂立英语口译丛书
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基础口译预测试卷 版权信息

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基础口译预测试卷 内容简介

简介   《基础口译预测试卷》:适度高效多次命中,模拟考场轻松检验,“梦之队”倾力打造。  《基础口译预测试卷》特色:题量适度,精悍有效,昂立口译“梦之队”之名师倾力打造,连续十届蝉联机构考生口译考试通过率**。

基础口译预测试卷 目录

上海市英语口译基础能力证书考试预测试卷(一)SECTION I LISTENING TESTSECTION Ⅱ ORAL TES上海市英语口译基础能力证书考试预测试卷(二)SECTION I LISTENING TESTSECTION Ⅱ ORAL TES上海市英语口译基础能力证书考试预测试卷(三)SECTION I LISTENING TESTSECTION Ⅱ ORAL TES上海市英语口译基础能力证书考试预测试卷(四)SECTION I LISTENING TESTSECTION Ⅱ ORAL TES上海市英语口译基础能力证书考试预测试卷(五)SECTION I LISTENING TESTSECTION Ⅱ ORAL TES上海市英语口译基础能力证书考试预测试卷(六)SECTION I LISTENING TESTSECTION Ⅱ ORAL TES上海市英语口译基础能力证书考试预测试卷(七)SECTION I LISTENING TESTSECTION Ⅱ ORAL TES上海市英语口译基础能力证书考试预测试卷(八)SECTION I LISTENING TESTSECTION Ⅱ ORAL TES参考答案上海市英语口译基础能力证书考试预测试卷(一)上海市英语口译基础能力证书考试预测试卷(二)上海市英语口译基础能力证书考试预测试卷(三)上海市英语口译基础能力证书考试预测试卷(四)上海市英语口译基础能力证书考试预测试卷(五)上海市英语口译基础能力证书考试预测试卷(六)上海市英语口译基础能力证书考试预测试卷(七)上海市英语口译基础能力证书考试预测试卷(八) 听力原文上海市英语口译基础能力证书考试预测试卷(一)上海市英语口译基础能力证书考试预测试卷(二)上海市英语口译基础能力证书考试预测试卷(三)上海市英语口译基础能力证书考试预测试卷(四)上海市英语口译基础能力证书考试预测试卷(五)上海市英语口译基础能力证书考试预测试卷(六)上海市英语口译基础能力证书考试预测试卷(七)上海市英语口译基础能力证书考试预测试卷(八)

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4. A. Tony won't receive additional payment, no matter how hard he works,B. Tony couldn't understand why his boss is not satisfied with his success.C. Tony is unable to meet his sales quota this year because of the extra load of work.D. Tony is confident that his work will save the firm from bankruptcy.5. A. Everyone knew that Jennifer was the CEO's secretary in Detroit.B. Jennifer didn't meet the well-known CEO from the headquarters.C. The CEO was away to meet Jennifer in our headquarters in Detroit.D. The Detroit headquarters had decided to appoint Jennifer to be a CEO.6. A. The manager has refused to see you off at the airport.B. The manager will be dealing with something urgent in prison.C. The manager will be attending a welcome party at the airport.D. The manager has to cancel her previous arrangement,7. A. The director told the secretary to finish the survey report on time.B. The director told the secretary to wind the clock in the office.C. The director told the secretary to take the report home.D. The director told the secretary not to rush for the survey report.8. A. We intend to withdraw fund on that project, for it is necessary to do so.B. We should proceed with the project, although we have difficulties.C. We decide to give up the project, so that we can work on a new ,one.D. We have to reject the gift and continue to raise money for that project of ours.9. A. High productivity may have negative effects on our own existence.B. More and better goods and services can raise our living standards.C. The rising prices of goods and services may lead to the damage of our environment.D. We should produce high quality goods to protect our natural resources10. A. After three years of hard work, I have been promoted to department head.B. After years of work, I think I need to talk with someone about my career,C. The department head has ruthlessly turned down my r
