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外贸英语函电 版权信息

外贸英语函电 本书特色

本书是融国际贸易业务知识与英语为一体的英语教材,旨在使学生了解对外经贸业务各个环节,同时学习和掌握英语在各业务环节中的应用。在当前的形势下,我们对从事国际商务活动的复合型人才的需求更加迫切,这对国际商务英语教学无疑提出了越来越高的要求。 为此,此次修订工作主要涉及以下几个方面: 1.近年来国际贸易实务出现了一些新的做法,因此新的国际贸易理论也应运而生。我国越来越多的公司到海外投资建厂、兼并、收购。为了体现这些新的知识、信息,我们合并、精简了一些比较传统的内容,同时增补了一些新的内容(如,补偿贸易、,代理,、合资经营,、招投标,、跨国融资,、电商等等);。 2.对部分课文做了调整,同时又增加了新的课文,朝着“更实用”的方向又跨进了一步;。 3.随着时代的发展,我国从事外贸工作的人员的素质越来越高,尤其是英文水平。在增补新课文和新阅读材料的同时,为了不增加教材篇幅,我们删去了大量的词汇训练的汉语译文部分(已无必要);。 4.对部分练习做了进一步删减和补充。从第15 单元开始,课后的“skill drilling ”部分均增加了阅读翻译的技能训练(除了对外贸易环节的基本写作技巧外,还要提高读者的阅读能力,扩大一定知识面);。 *后为从“实战”出发,编者建议读者对此书汉译英部分的练习,可先做口译,再继以笔译,以达到熟练掌握常用句型的目的。

外贸英语函电 内容简介

“十二五”职业教育国家规划教材 普通高等教育“十一五”国家 级规划教材 配教师网络电子课件含自测题 

外贸英语函电 目录

unit 1 modern businessletters 1text a 1text b  1text c  2new words & expressions 4notes 4key words 5preposition at 7reading 8exercise 9skill drilling 14unit 2 establishingbusiness relations 15text a 15text b 15text c 15new words & expressions 16notes 16key words 18useful sentences 20preposition in 20reading 21exercise 22skill drilling 26unit 3 enquiry 28text a 28text b 28text c 29new words & expressions 29notes 30key words 32useful sentences 34preposition on 35reading 37exercise 38skill drilling 42unit 4 firm offer &non-firm offer 43text a  43text b  43text c  44new words & expressions 44notes 45key words 47useful sentences 49preposition with 50reading 51exercise 53skill drilling 58unit 5 counter-offer &orders 59text a  59text b  59text c  60new words & expressions 60notes 61key words 63useful sentences 65preposition  66reading 67exercise 68skill drilling 73unit 6 confirmation &acceptance 74text a accepting a repeatorder 74text b confirming an order74text c declining an order75 skill drilling 73unit 6 confirmation &acceptance 74text a  74text b  74text c  75new words & expressions 75notes 76key words 78useful sentences 81preposition  81reading 82exercise 83skill drilling 87unit 7 a sales confirmation88text a  88text b  89text c  90new words & expressions 91notes 92key words 95preposition  97reading 98exercise 100skill drilling 108unit 8 payment &letters of credit 112text a  112text b  113text c  113new words & expressions 114notes 115key words 116useful sentences 119preposition  120reading 121exercise 121skill drilling 126unit 9 examination of anl/c 129text a 129text b  129new words & expressions 130notes 131key words 133useful sentences 135preposition 136reading 137exercise 138skill drilling 146unit 10 shipment 149text a 149text b 149new words & expressions 151notes 151key words 154useful sentences 156preposition  157reading 158exercise 160skill drilling 164unit 11 a bill of lading 165text a 165text b 166new words & expressions 167notes 168key words 169useful sentences 172preposition  172reading 174exercise 175skill drilling 179unit 12 insurance 181text a 181text b 181new words & expressions 182notes 183key words 185useful sentences 186preposition  187reading 188exercise 189skill drilling 194unit 13 packing 195text a 195text b 195new words & expressions 196notes 197key words 198useful sentences 201preposition  202reading 203exercise 203skill drilling 208unit 14 complaints andclaims 209text a 209text b 209new words & expressions 210notes 211key words 213useful sentences 215preposition  216reading 217exercise 219skill drilling 225unit 15 flexible trade 226text a  226text b  226text c  227text d  227new words & expressions 228notes 229key words 231preposition  233reading 234exercise 235skill drilling 239unit 16 electronic commerce241text a 241text b   242new words & expressions 243notes 243key words 245useful sentences 247preposition  248reading 248exercise 249skill drilling 253unit 17 transnational corporations text new words & expressionsnoteskey wordsreadingexerciseadditional reading 