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中国共产党丛书-中国共产党与中国的发展进步(英) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787508542591
  • 条形码:9787508542591 ; 978-7-5085-4259-1
  • 装帧:一般纯质纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

中国共产党丛书-中国共产党与中国的发展进步(英) 内容简介


中国共产党丛书-中国共产党与中国的发展进步(英) 目录

CONTENTS Introduction ....................................................................................................... 004 Chapter I Realizing National Independence and People's Liberation The National Crisis in Modern China and the Rise of Revolutionary Movements...... 014 The Spread of Marxism and Leninism and the Founding of the Communist Party of China..................................................................................................... 018 National Revolution against the Western Powers and Chinese Warlords........... 022 Opening a Revolutionary Road: Armed Struggles and Enclosing Cities with Rural Areas................................................................................................. 026 Organizing the Broad Masses to Fight the Japanese Invaders............................ 029 Founding of the People's Republic of China (PRC)........................................... 035 Chapter II Establishing the Socialist System, Beginning Large-scale Construction Consolidating the New Government and Restoring the National Economy...... 042 Carrying out Land Reform and Social Reform................................................... 045 Beginning to Turn a Backward Agricultural Country into a Fairly Advanced Industrial One.................................................................................... 048 Establishing the Socialist Political System......................................................... 052 Persuing Independent, Self-determined Foreign Policies of Peace.................... 058 Seeking a Road of Chinese Socialist Construction and Initial Success of Economic Work................................................................................................... 063 Chapter III Onto the Road of the Construction of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics Turning Point in the History of the Party and the PRC...................................... 070 Reform and Opening-up, and the Establishment of Socialist Market Economy.......074 Political Structure Reform and Establishment of Democracy and Rule of Law.......089 Beginning of a New Diplomatic Situation.......................................................... 103 Building Modernized National Defense............................................................. 108 Promoting the State Reunification Process......................................................... 113 Building an All-round Well-off and Harmonious Socialist Society.................... 120 Chapter IV Socialism with Chinese Characteristics Has Crossed the Threshold into the New Era Putting Forward Goals and Making Strategic Deployments for the New Era.... 138 Promoting Quality Economic Development and Comprehensively Deepening Reform and Opening-up................................................................... 143 Adhering to the Path of Political Progress with Chinese Characteristics........... 153 Promoting the Prosperity of Socialist Culture.................................................... 158 Adhering to the People's Supremacy, Ensuring and Improving Living Standards through Development......................................................................... 162 Implementing the Most Stringent System of Protecting the Ecological Environment and Building a Beautiful China..................................................... 173 Comprehensively Building World-class Forces and Safeguarding China's Sovereignty, Security, and Development Interests................................ 178 New Progress in the Work Related to Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan............ 185 Building a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind and Promoting Cooperation under the BRI................................................................................. 193 Strengthening the CPC's Overall Leadership and Self-governance................... 206 Concluding Remarks ..................................................................................... 215

中国共产党丛书-中国共产党与中国的发展进步(英) 作者简介

