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AG课标英语8上(外研版)/默写能手 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787539559797
  • 条形码:9787539559797 ; 978-7-5395-5979-7
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

AG课标英语8上(外研版)/默写能手 内容简介

默写是强化记忆、增加积累、夯实基础的重要途径。为了帮助广大学生全面梳理和夯实英语基础知识,我们精心策划、编写了这套初中英语《默写能手》系列图书。 《初中英语默写能手》系列丛书具有以下三个鲜明特点: 一、理念新颖 与相应教材完全配套,根据实际教学课时划分的需要,针对每单元的重点单词、短语、句型等及其相关基础知识设置若干份默写练习,再通过各阶段的检测板块引导学生滚动复习,分层递进地夯实英语基础知识,从而构建了一套短、平、快的同步默写练习模式。 二、设题精当 根据各阶段的学习目标,着力于相关基础知识的融会贯通。知识梳理全面、细致,并突出相关的知识要点、易错易混点、高频考点;题型丰富、规范,题目设置紧扣教材内容和教学实际,力求合适、精准,其编排则体现由易到难的梯度,以引导学生取得非常好的默写练习效果。 三、省时高效 每个单元的课时默写练习均设为1页,梳理、检测板块的题量也遵循了“少而精”的原则,既便于老师在课堂上使用,也可供学生课后练习;既能解决老师教学中的梳理、拣词之繁琐,又可省去家长报默之累,可操作性强。另外,系统梳理了教材词汇(含拓展)和句型作为附录,便于学生查阅、识记。 “每日一刻钟,练好基本功!”我们期望广大学生能通过《初中英语默写能手》系列丛书的使用,融会贯通默写内容,为全面提高英语学科素养奠定扎实的基础。

AG课标英语8上(外研版)/默写能手 目录

Module 1 How to learn English 默写1 Let's try to speak English as much as possible 默写2 You should smile at her!(1) 默写3 You should smile at her!(2) 默写4 Language in use Module 1默写知识梳理 Module 1基础知识检测 Module 2 My home town and my country 默写1 It's taller than many other buildings 默写2 Cambridge is a beautiful city in the east of England.(1) 默写3 Cambridge is a beautiful city in the east of England.(2) 默写4 Language in use Module 2默写知识梳理 Module 2基础知识检测 Module 3 Sports 默写1 Nothing is more enjoyable than playing tennis 默写2 This year we are training more carefully.(1) 默写3 This year we are training more carefully.(2) 默写4 Language in use Module 3默写知识梳理 Module 3基础知识检测 Module 4 Planes. ships and trains 默写1 He lives the farthest from school 默写2 What is the best way to travel?(1) 默写3 What is the best way to travel?(2) 默写4 Language in use Module 4默写知识梳理 Module 4基础知识检测 Module 5 Lao She Teahouse 默写1 I wanted to see the Beijing Opera 默写2 It describes the changes in Chinese society.(1) 默写3 It describes the changes in Chinese society.(2) 默写4 Language in use Module 5默写知识梳理 Module 5基础知识检测 Module 6 Animals in danger 默写1 It allows people to get closer to them 默写2 The WWF is working hard to save them all.(1) 默写3 The WWF is working hard to save them all.(2) 默写4 Language in use Module 6默写知识梳理 Module 6基础知识检测 期中基础知识检测 Module 7 A famous story 默写1 Alice was sitting with her sister by the river 默写2 She was thinking about her cat.(1) 默写3 She was thinking about her cat.(2) 默写4 Language in use Module 7默写知识梳理 Module 7基础知识检测 Module 8 Accidents 默写1 While the lights were changing to red, a car suddenly appeared 默写2 I was trying to pick it up when it bit me again.(1) 默写3 I was trying to pick it up when it bit me again.(2) 默写4 Language in use Module 8默写知识梳理 Module 8基础知识检测 Module 9 Population 默写1 The world's population was about 7.8 billion in 2020 默写2 Arnwick was a city with a population Of 10,000,000.(1) 默写3 Arnwick was a city with a population Of 10,000,000.(2) 默写4 Language in use Module 9默写知识梳理 Module 9基础知识检测 Module 10 The weather 默写1 It might snow 默写2 The weather is tine all year round(1) 默写3 The weather is fine all year round(2) 默写4 Language in use Module 10默写知识梳理 Module 10基础知识检测 Module 11 Way of life 默写1 In China, we open a gift later 默写2 In England, you usually drink tea with milk.(1) 默写3 In England, you usually drink tea with milk.(2) 默写4 Language in use Module 11默写知识梳理 Module 11基础知识检测 Module 12 Help 默写1 What should we do before help arrives? 默写2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture.(1) 默写3 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture.(2) 默写4 Language in use Module 12默写知识梳理 Module 12基础知识检测 期末基础知识检测(一) 期末基础知识检测(二) 附录1 教材词汇表(含拓展) 附录2 教材句型梳理 参考答案(另册)