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现代游牧民及其保留地:老问题.新挑战 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787513008815
  • 条形码:9787513008815 ; 978-7-5130-0881-5
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

现代游牧民及其保留地:老问题.新挑战 本书特色

《现代游牧民及其保留地--老问题新挑战/今日人类学民族学论丛》编著者当·查提、绰伊·斯特恩伯格。 本书收录国外学者的论文9篇,内容丰富宽泛,如现代田园主义;揭开草原流动性“强制性替代”:南苏丹sahel的恢复与重建;十字路口的游牧民族:在面临土地使用期变化的情况下寻求土地安全与可持续生活;建立生物多样性的保留地:阿曼的游牧民族harasiis等。

现代游牧民及其保留地:老问题.新挑战 内容简介

  The Commission on Nomadic Peoples (CNP) of the Intemational Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES) took part in the 16th Congress between July 27-31, 2009 in Kunming, China. It organized three academic panels, bringing together researchers and specialists interested in nomadic pastoralism across the world. Over four days of talks, the key issues and critical concems facing pastoralism today were presented and discussed by scholars and students. Led by Dawn Chatty, Chair of the Commission on Nomadic Peoples, and honouring Anatoly Khazanov's lifetime achievements, the sessions encapsulated the evolution, strengths and challenges of pastoralism in the 2lst century. Two perspectives were stressed: the first highlighted pastoralism in an intemational context, drawing on research in Africa, the Middle East, South America and parts of Asia; The second focus was on pastoralism in the host nation, China, and identified both the impact of rapid development on nomadic practices and livelihoods and the country's growing integration into the global pastoral research community. The session provided the opportunity to compare frndings, identify pattems and methodologies and expand academic networks for future engagement and expanded cooperation.

现代游牧民及其保留地:老问题.新挑战 目录

1.Contemporary Pastoralism:Old Problems,New Challenges
2.Cattle Breeding,Complexity and Mobility in a Structurally Unpredictable Environment:the WoDaaBe Herders of Niger
3.Disentangling“Forced Displacement”frOm Pastoral Mobility: Recovery and Reconstruction in the Sahel and in South Sudan
4.Pastoralists at Crossroads:Community Resource Governance in the Context of a Transitioning Rangelands Tenu~System
5.Booking and Grabbing Land:Strategies of Appropriation in Loita Maasailand.Kenya
6.Adapting to Biodiversity Conservation:The Mobile Pastoral Harasiis Tribe of Oman
7.Pastoral Determinants in Mongolia’S Steppe Environment
8.Theorizing Ecological Migration
9.Can Ecological Migration Policy in the Tibetan Plateau Region Achieve both Conservation Goals and Human Development Goals? A Review of the Canadian Experience of Relocation and Settlement
Author Biographies

现代游牧民及其保留地:老问题.新挑战 节选

  The producer's strategy within non-equilibrium systems is to move livestocksequentially across a series of environments _ exploiting optimal periods in each area they use _ Herd management must aim at responding to altemate periods of high and low productivity, with an emphasis on exploiting environmental heterogeneity rather than attempting to manipulate the environment to maximize stability and uniformity (Behnke et al. 1993, 14-15).  More recently, new interest is gathering around this dimension, documented in work on pastoral systems in Kazakhstan, where plant "phenology" is found to be the driving force for livestock mobility (Alimaev 2003; see also Kerven et al. 2006; Alimaev and Behnke 2007).  Although variations in pasture quality have always been in the spotlight of the "new range ecology" as part of the ecological dynamics, the dimension of transient quality within the life of fodder plants and its relation w:ith feeding selectivity in livestock-known to be pivotal to producers' strategies-has remained a marginal concem. A recent overview of the debate around the adequacy of equilibrium or non-equilibrium models to represent the ecology of the drylands, still appears perfectly comfortable with quantitative notions of "1ivestock numbers' and "grazing pressure", and with a representation of pastoral mobility as a coping strategy against variability (Vetter 2005).  Qualitative difference with regard to livestock has received even more limited attention. By and large, non-equilibrium perspectives looking at livestock systems have focused on population dynamics of grassland and animals, either in relation to management issues (Oba et al. 2000; Homewood et al. 2001; Anderies et al. 2002; Uphoff et al. 2006; on Niger, Hiemaux 2000; Schlecht et al. 2000) or as a consequence of environmental adaptation (i.e. different survival rate) between breeds (Bayer and Waters-Bayer 1995; also Bayer 1989). Some of the studies in this direction have looked at the links between local breeds and herd-management practices in relation to range ecology, touching upon herders' manipulation of animals' diet (Bayer 1990; 1986), but without venturing into the analysis of such links in the context of the breeding systems.  ……
