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商务英语实务 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787303137350
  • 条形码:9787303137350 ; 978-7-303-13735-0
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
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商务英语实务 本书特色


商务英语实务 内容简介


商务英语实务 目录

**篇 求职过程技能 Skills of Looki for a Job第1章 个人简历Resumes 1.1 个人简历概述Introduction of the Resume 1.2 简历的几种常见形式Common Forms of the Resume 1.3 个人简历例文Samples of the Resume 1.4 面试回答问题用语Useful Sentences to Awer Questio in the Interview 1.5 其他有用词汇Useful Terms 1.6 练习Exercises第2章 求职信Application Lette 2.1 求职信概述Introduction of Application Lette 2.2 网上求职Hunting for a Job on the Internet 2.3 求职信例文Samples of Application Lette 2.4 求职信常用语Expressio of Application Lette 2.5 怎样回答这些面试问题How to Awer the Questio for the Interview? 2.6 练习Exercises第3章 求职信用语Expressio of Application Lette 3.1 求职信参考用语(一)Reference Expressio of Application Lette(Ⅰ) 3.2 求职信参考用语(二)Reference Expressio of Application Lette(Ⅱ) 3.3 怎样用英语介绍自己工作经验How to Introduce Your Work Experience in English 3.4 练习Exercises 第二篇 业务知识技能 Skills of Business Knowledse第4章 国际商务进出口流程(一)International Business Procedure of Import and Export(Ⅰ) 4.1 进出口实务基本流程Practical Procedure of Import and Export 4.2 进口运作程序图Operational Procedures of Import 4.3 出口运作程序图Operational Procedures of Export 4.4 业务员工作流程Account Executive's Process 4.5 国际货运操作流程Procedures of International Freight Traport 4.6 练习Exercises第5章 国际商务进出口流程(二)International Business Procedure of Import and Export(Ⅱ) 5.1 租船运输的装卸费用Handling Charge of the Affreightment 5.2 商务签约与签约仪式Business Contract and Contract Signing Ceremony-, 5.3 国际商务礼仪International Business Etiquette 5.4 酒店预订单Hotel Reservation Form 5.5 练习Exercises 第三篇 基本工作语言技能 Skills of Basic Worki Languase第6章 商务信函——常用语言结构(一) Business Correspondence—Common Structures (Ⅰ) 6.1 商务信函的基本结构The Basic Structure of Business Lette 6.2 商务信函的格式The Forms of BUSiness Correspondenee 6.3 商务信函写作要点Key Points for Writing Business Correspondence 6.4 商务信函常用语言结构The Common Structures of Business Correspondence 6.5 练习Exercises第7章 商务信函——常用语言结构(二)Business Correspondence—Common Structures(Ⅱ) 7.1 商务信函常用开头语、建立商务关系用语The Prologue and Useful Sentences of Establishing Business Relatiohip 7.2 商务信函应该注意的几个问题Precautio of the Business Correspondence 7.3 练习Exercises第8章 商务信函——建立商务关系Business correspondence—Establishing Business Relatiohip 8.1 推销产品函Lette of Promoting the Sale of Products 8.2 推销产品函例文Samples of Lette of Promoting the Sale of Products 8.3 商务信函邀请与答复Invitation and Reply of Business Correspondence 8.4 商务信函邀请与答复例文Samples of Invitation and Reply of Business Correspondence 8.5 价格争议用语Useful Sentences on Price 8.6 练习Exercises 第四篇 工作过程任务技能(一) Skills of Worki Process Tasks(Ⅰ)第9章 商务信函——询盘Business Correspondence—Inquiry 9.1 询盘Correspondence of Inquiry 9.2 常用词汇和语句Common Vocabulary and Sentences 9.3 练习Exercises第10章 商务信函——报盘Business Correspondence—Offer 10.1 报盘Correspondence of Offer 10.2 常用词汇和语句Common Vocabulary and Sentences 10.3 练习Exercises第11章 商务信函——还盘Business Correspondence—Counteroffer 11.1 还盘与接受Counteroffer and Acceptance 11.2 常用词汇和语句Common Vocabulary and Sentences 11.3 练习Exercises第12章 商务信函——订购与确认Business Correspondence—Orde and Confirmation 12.1 订购与确认Orde and Confirmation 12.2 订购与确认例文Samples of Orde and Confirmation 12.3 订购术语Terms of Orde 12.4 常用英语订购用语Sentences for Orde 12.5 折扣的表达Expressio for Discount 12.6 确认的表达Expressio for Confirmation 12.7 练习Exercises 第五篇 工作过程任务技能(二) Skills of Working Process Casks(Ⅱ)第13章 合同商订Contract Negotiation 13.1 贸易合同概说The Trade Contract 13.2 合同Contract 13.3 销售确认书样本Sample of Sales Confirmation 13.4 练习Exercises第14章 合同履行Fulfillment of Contract 14.1 单证The Documents 14.2 单证的种类与使用The Type and Use of the Documents 14.3 加拿大海关发票的填写How to Fill in Canada Customs Invoice 14.4 装箱单的填写How to Fill in Packing List 14.5 练习Exercises第15章 单证样本Samples of Documents 15.1 单证样本(一)Samples of Documents(Ⅰ) 15.2 单证样本(二)Samples of Documents(Ⅱ) 15.3 练习Exercises第16章 单证样本Samples of Documents 16.1 单证样本(一)Samples of Documents(Ⅰ) 16.2 单证样本(二)Samples of Documents(Ⅱ) 16.3 练习Exercises参考答案Keys to the Exercises主要参考文献Bibliography