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细胞内转运与细胞骨架-神经科学百科全书-9 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787030280817
  • 条形码:9787030280817 ; 978-7-03-028081-7
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
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细胞内转运与细胞骨架-神经科学百科全书-9 本书特色

《神经科学百科全书:细胞内转运与细胞骨架(英文版)(影印版)(导读版)》书篇幅巨大,为所有神经科学百科全书之首。由来自世界各地的2400多位专家撰稿人合力打造,覆盖了神经科学全部主要领域。书中每个词条在收入书中之前均经过顾问委员会的同行评议,词条中均含有词汇表、引言、参考文献和丰富的交叉参考内容。·主编为著名神经科学家、美国神经科学学会前主席Larry R Squire。·内容平易.本科生即可读性。·深度和广度独一无二,足可满足专家学者的需要。·导读版精选啄书中的部分主题,按内容重新编排。更适合读者购买和阅读。

细胞内转运与细胞骨架-神经科学百科全书-9 目录

细胞内信号级联与第二信使Calcium-Calmodulin Kinase II (CaMKII) in Learning and MemoryCyclic AMP (cAMP) Role in Learning and MemoryEph Receptor Signaling and Spine MorphologyMAP Kinase Signaling in Learning and MemoryNeural Crest Cell Diversification and Specification: ErbB RoleNotch Pathway: Lateral InhibitionNotch Signal Transduction: Molecular and Cellular MechanismsRetinoic Acid Signaling and Neural PatterningSonic Hedgehog and Neural PatterningSynaptic Plasticity: Diacylglycerol Signalling RoleWnt Pathway and Neural Patterning细胞内转运与细胞骨架Actin Cytoskeleton in Growth Cones, Nerve Terminals, and Dendritic SpinesAMPA Receptor Cell Biology/TraffickingAxonal and Dendritic Identity and Structure: Control ofAxonal and Dendritic Transport by Dyneins and Kinesins in NeuronsAxonal mRNA Transport and FunctionsAxonal Transport and ALSAxonal Transport and Alzheimer's DiseaseAxonal Transport and Huntington's DiseaseAxonal Transport and Neurodegenerative DiseasesAxonal Transport DisordersAxonal Transport TracersCytoskeletal Interactions in the NeuronCytoskeleton in PlasticityDendrites: Localized TranslationDendritic RNA Transport: Dynamic Spatio-Temporal Control of Neuronal Gene ExpressionDystrophin, Associated Proteins, and Muscular DystrophyIntermediate FilamentsLIM Kinase and Actin Regulation of SpinesLysosome and Endosome Organization and Transport in NeuronsMicrotubule Associated Proteins in NeuronsMicrotubules: Organization and Function in NeuronsMitochondrial Organization and Transport in NeuronsMyosin Transport and Neuronal FunctionNeurofilaments: Organization and Function in NeuronsNeuronal Motility and Structure: MARK and GSK PathwaysNMDA Receptors, Cell Biology and TraffickingNuclear Movements in NeuronsPeroxisomes: Organization and Transport in NeuronsPrion TransportProteasome Role in NeurodegenerationProtein Folding and the Role of Chaperone Proteins in Neurodegenerative DiseaseRetrograde Neurotrophic SignalingSlow Axonal TransportSpectrin: Organization and Function in NeuronsTransport Dependent Damage SignalingVesicular Sorting to Axons and Dendrites分泌与囊泡循环Active ZoneBotulinum and Tetanus ToxinsCalcium Channel Subtypes Involved in Neurotransmitter ReleaseCalcium Channels and SNARE ProteinsCIRL/LatrophilinsClathrin and Clathrin-AdaptorsComplexinsCysteine-String Proteins (CSPs)DynaminEndocytosis: Kiss and RunExocytosis: Ca2+-SensitivityFusion PoreLarge Dense Core Vesicles (LDCVs)LatrotoxinLiprins, ELKS, and RIM-BP ProteinsLysosomal SystemMuncl3 and Associated MoleculesMuncl8NeurexinsNeuroliginsNeurosecretion (Regulated Exocytosis in Neuroendocrine Cells)Neurotransmitter Release from AstrocytesNeurotransmitter Release: Synchronous and AsynchronousNSF and SNAPsOptical Monitoring of Exo- and EndocytosisPHR (Pam/Highwire/RPM-l)Piccolo and BassoonPresynaptic Receptor SignalingRab3Rab3A Interacting Molecules (RIMs)RNA Granules: Functions within Presynaptic Terminals and Postsynaptic SpinesSNAREsSynapsinsSynaptic Plasticity: Short-Term MechanismsSynaptic Vesicle Protein-2 (SV2)Synaptic VesiclesSynaptojaninSynaptotagminsSynCAMsSynucleinsVesicle PoolsVesicular Neurotransmitter TransportersVoltage-Gated Calcium Channels原书词条中英对照表

细胞内转运与细胞骨架-神经科学百科全书-9 节选

《神经科学百科全书:细胞内转运与细胞骨架(英文版)(影印版)(导读版)》内容简介:什么是百科全书?这一名词来自于两个希腊单词:enkuklios(意思是循环的)和paideia(意思是教育)。在16世纪早期,拉丁手稿的抄写者们将这两个单词合而为一,其在英语中演化为一个单词,意思是具有广泛指导意义的工具书(The American Heritage Dictionary,2000,Boston:Houghton Mifflin,p.589)。从其来源可见,其希腊文原词中蕴含着以探索、综合的方式努力获取知识的含义。无论是拉丁文还是英文,该单词泛指涵盖广泛领域知识的工具书。

细胞内转运与细胞骨架-神经科学百科全书-9 相关资料

插图:Though the E(spl) enhancerincludes high-affinity proneural binding sites, highlevels of proneural protein expression in the prospec-tive SOP cannot independently drive E(spl) geneexpression because in the absence of NotchIC, Su(H)functions as part of a repressor complex that ensuresgenes in the E(spl) complex are not expressed. Insurrounding non-SOP cells of the PNC, whereNotch is activated by the SOP cell, NotchIc makesSu(H) function as an activator to drive E(spl) geneexpression.The Complementary Role of Bearded Family Genesin the E(Spl) ComplexThe E(spl) complex also includes non-bHLH genes ofthe Bearded (Brd) family. Their expression is alsoregulated by Notch activation; however, unlike theE(spl) bHLH genes, they do not inhibit proneuralgene expression. Instead, they interfere with Deltafunction by inhibiting Neuralized mediated endocy-tosis of Delta, a step that is essential for effectiveactivation of Notch in the neighboring cell (Figure 2).toestablishment of a central biasing mechanism during
