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英语1_基本版 版权信息

  • ISBN:7040094991
  • 条形码:9787040094992 ; 978-7-04-009499-2
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
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英语1_基本版 内容简介

简介   《英语(基本版)(第1册)》是由高等教育出版社出版。

英语1_基本版 目录

Unit 1 Large CitiesWarm-upListeningSpeakingComprehensive EnglishThe Future of the CitiesReading for InterestLarge CitiesWritingUnit 2 HousingWarm-upListeningSpeakingComprehensive EnglishHousingReading for InterestDo You Know How He Did it?WritingUnit 3 CampingWarm-upListeningSpeakingComprehensive EnglishCampingReading for InterestLet's Go Camping.WritingUnit 4 FamiliesWarm-upListeningSpeakingComprehensive EnglishFamilies in the FutureReading for InterestThe Problems of a Working FamilyWritingUnit 5 Keeping FitWarm-upListeningSpeakingComprehensive EnglishRunningReading for InterestLosing WeightWritingRevision 1Listening ExercisesVocabulary ExercisesGrammar ExercisesClozeReading ExercisesUnit 6 Getting AroundWarm-upListeningSpeakingComprehensive EnglishHow Can I Get to the post Office?Reading for InterestA Day as Tourist GuideWritingUnit 7 ClassesWarm-upListeningSpeakingComprehensive EnglishA "Babies" ClassReading for InterestA Child Care ClassWritingUnit 8 HobbiesWarm-upListeningSpeakingComprehensive EnglishTom Sawyer Paints the FenceReading for InterestThe Ugiy DucklingWritingUnit 9 successWarm-upListeningSpeakingComprehensive EnglishWhat IS Success?Reading for InterestHenry GroundWritingUnit 10 Famous PeopleWarm-upListeningSpeakingComprehensive EnglishBill GatesReading for InterestWait Disney: The Man behind the MouseWritingRevision 2Listening ExercisesVocabulary ExercisesGrammar ExercisesClozeReading Exercises

英语1_基本版 节选


英语1_基本版 相关资料

插图:Families are becoming smaller.Fifty years ago,a family of five or six members was common.In 1970,the size of the average family in the United States was 3.1 persons,and now the averagefamily size is about 2.8 persons.At the same time,people are now living longer.For example,inthe last ten years,the number of people over 65 years of age has increased 28 per cent.Theaverage age of people in the United States is now over 30.As a result of smaller families and more old people,life will change in many ways.If we havefewer children,we will need fewer schools.We will also need fewer teachers.But many older people will be interested in education.SO schools and colleges will offer courses for these people.Becausemany of the older people work,these courses will be given in the evenings and on weekends.The needs for housing will be different.It is common now for many people to live in houses that have five or six rooms.This kind of house is good for families with three or four children.Butif the population gets older and if families have only one child,large homes will not be necessary.Those people who need only three or four rooms for their homes will live in small apartments.They won’t have to take care of a large house.
