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国际金融:英文版 版权信息

国际金融:英文版 内容简介


国际金融:英文版 目录

Chapter 1 Balance of Payments.
1.1 International transactions: the balance of payments
1.2 Balance of payments surplus and deficit
1.3 Economic forces and the balance of payments

Chapter 2 Theories of Balance of Payments
2.1 The elasticity approach to the balance of payments
2.2 The absorption approach to the balance of payments
2.3 The monetary approach to the balance of payments

Chapter 3 Macroeconomic Policy in an Open Economy
3.1 The problem of Intemal and extemal balance
3.2 The Mundell-Fleming model
3.3 Conclusions

Chapter 4 Fixed, Floating and Managed Exchange Rates
4.1 Definitions and types of the exchange rate
4.2 The case for fixed exchange rates
4.3 The case for floating exchange rates
4.4 Managed floating
4.5 Conclusions

Chapter 5 Models of Exchange-rate Determination
5.1 Purchasing power parity
5.2 Covered interest parity
5.3 Market efficiency, uncovered interest parity and real interest parity
5.4 Foreign exchange risk management

Chapter 6 The Foreign Exchange Market
6.1 The basics of the foreign exchange market
6.2 Mechanics of the foreign exchange market

Chapter 7 Currency Futures, Options and Swaps
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Currency futures
7.3 Currency options
7.4 Currency and interest swaps

Chapter 8 International Lending and Financial Crises
8.1 Internationall ending to developing countries
8.2 Financial crises: what can and does go wrong
8.3 Resolving financial crises
8.4 The frequency offinancial crises

Chapter 9 The International Monetary System
9.1 History of the international monetary system
9.2 Contemporary currency regimes
9.3 Emerging markets and regime choices
9.4 The birth of a European currency: the euro
9.5 Exchange rate regimes: what lies ahead?

Chapter 10 International Banking and the Eurocurrency Market
10.1 The Eurocurrency market
10.2 International funds transfer and credit expansion through the Eurocurrency
10.3 The Eurocurrency market and balance of payments disequilibrium
10.4 International banking: structure and instruments

Chapter 11 Foreign Direct Investment and International Capital Budgeting
11.1 Background
11.2 Approaches to international business
11.3 Theories of FDI
11.4 More about taxation
11.5 Foreign direct investment and country risk
11.6 Transfer pricing

Chapter 12 Digital Currency and International Finance
12.1 Digital currency
12.2 Virtual currency
12.3 Cryptocurrency & Block chain
Key to Exercises
Test One
Key to Test One
Test Two
Key to Test Two

国际金融:英文版 作者简介

