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深入浅出软件开发(影印版) 版权信息

深入浅出软件开发(影印版) 内容简介

想知道何为测试驱动开发吗?想知道高级顾问在按小时计费的咨询中是如何应用*佳实践的吗?或者也许您正准备自动构建您的软件,为代码使用版本控制,重构以及在软件中集成一些设计模式。当您读完这本《深入浅出软件开发》的时候,您将能够跟踪项目进度,统计团队每个部分的速度以及反复进行需求分析、设计、开发和部署。 我们认为您用来学习新概念的时间是极其宝贵的。《深入浅出软件开发》使用认知科学和学习理论的*新研究成果,为您带来多感官的学习体验,它采用了丰富、可视、适于大脑工作的形式,而不是用过多的文字使您感到昏昏欲睡。本书为英文影印版。

深入浅出软件开发(影印版) 目录

1 great software development: Pleasing your customer
Tom's Trails is going online
Most projects have two major concerns
The Big Bang approach to development
Flash forward: two weeks later
Big bang development usually ends up in a big MESS
Great sottware development is...
Getting to the goal with ITERATION
Each iteration is a mini-project
Each iteration is QUALITY software
The customer WILL change things up
It's up to you to make adjustments
But there are some BIG problems...
Iteration handles change automatically (well sort ot)
Your software isn't complete until it's been RELEASED
Tools for your Software Development Toolbox
2 gathering requirements: Knowing what the customer wants
Orion's Orbits is modernizing
Talk to your customer to get MORE information
Bluesky with your customer
Sometimes your bluesky session looks like this...
Find out what people REALLY do
Your requirements must be CUSTOMER-oriented
Develop your requirements with customer feedback
User stories detine the WHAT of your project...
estimates define the WHEN
Cubicle conversation
Playing Planning Poker
Put assumptions on trial for their lives
A BIG user stoW estimate is a BAD user story estimate
The goal is convergence
The requirement to estimate iteration cycle
Finally, we're ready' to estimate the whole project
3 project planning: Planning for success
Customers want their software NOW!
Prioritize with the customer
We know what's in Milestone 1.0 (well, maybe)
If the features don't fit, re-prioritize
More people sometimes means diminishing returns
Work your way to a reasonable milestone 1.0
Iterations should be short and sweet
Comparing your plan to reality
Velocity accounts for overhead in your estimates
Programmers think in UTOPIAN days...
Developers think in REAL-WORLD days...
When is your iteration too long?
Deal with velocity BEFORE you break into iterations
Time to make an evaluation
Managing customers
The Big Board on your wall
How to ruin your team's lives
4 user stories and tasks: Getting to the real work
Introducing iSwoon
Do your tasks add up?
Plot just the work you have left
Add your tasks to your board
Start working on your tasks
A task is only in progress when it's IN PROGRESS
What if I'm working on two things at once?
Your first standup meeting...
Task 1 : Create the Date class
Standup meeting: Day 5, end of Week 1...
Standup meeting: Day 2, Week 2...
We interrupt this chapter...
You have to track unplanned tasks
Unexpected tasks raise your burn-dovm rate
Velocity helps, but...
We have a lot to do...
...but we know EXAC, TLY where we stand
Velocity Exposed
5 good-enough design: Getting it done with great design
iSwoon is in serious trouble...
This design breaks the single responsibility principle
Spotting multiple responsibilies in your design
Going from multiple responsibilies to a single responsibility
Your design should obey the SRP, but also be DRY...
The post-refactoring standup meeting...
Unplanned tasks are still just tasks
Part of your task is the demo itself
When everything's complete, the iteration's done
6 version control: Defensive development
You've got a new contract BeatBox Pro
And now the GUI work...
Demo the new BeatBox for the customer
Let's start with VERSION CONTROL
First set up your project...
...then you can check code in and out.
Most version control tools will try and solve problems for you
The server tries to MERGE your changes
If your software can't merge the changes, it issues a conflict
More iterations, more stories...
We have more than one version of our software...